Ballard Community Taskforce
on Homelessness and Hunger
A community collaborative effort
Mission of the Taskforce:
The Ballard Community Taskforce on Homelessness and Hunger (BCTHH) works to end homelessness and hunger in the Ballard community by providing a forum for service providers, community advocates and governmental agencies to share information, capitalize on their collective resources and coordinate efforts. We will work as advocates of change and partners of compassion toward a just and supportive community.
Notice: The taskforce is not holding in-person meetings currently due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stay tuned for online events coming soon and other announcements related to the work of this taskforce.
Sign up for upcoming events and announcements by sending an email to Jody at
MEETING: 24 October 2019, 10:30am - 12:00 Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
o UPDATES from the Ballard community including:
- Paige Killinger, Ballard REACH Update on outreach to people experiencing homelessness in Ballard
- Ballard Neighborcare Update on current health issues and concerns in the homeless community
- Jean Darsie, Scofflaw Mitigation Project
- Matthew Lang Update on Regional Authority to address housing for homeless, including ‘lived experience coalition’
o PANEL PRESENTATION: Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church Safe Parking Program
- Helen Gaines – Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
- Shannon Beck - Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church
o Q&A: A time for meeting attendees to ask questions of our presenters
MEETING: 23 May, 2019, 10:30am - 12:00 Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
o UPDATES from the Ballard community including:
o Paige Killinger, Ballard REACH -- Update on outreach to people experiencing homelessness in Ballard
o Doyle McCarthy – Ballard Neighborcare -- Update on current health issues and concerns in the homeless community
o Matthew Lang -- How does 9th District Boise decision affect encampment removal?
o PANEL PRESENTATION: Tiny House Village Update – Whittier Heights THV for Women
Lisa Gustaveson Seattle Human Services Department
Michelle Wicks, Director of Ministries United Church, EFCA
Community Advisory Committee for Whittier Heights Tiny House Village
Whittier Heights Tiny House Village contributors
o Q&A: A time for meeting attendees to ask questions of our presenters
Next meeting: June 27, 2018, same place, same time
MEETING: 23 August, 2018, 10:30am - 12:00 Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
o UPDATES from the Ballard community including:
o Paige Killinger, Ballard REACH -- Update on outreach to people experiencing homelessness in Ballard
o Kelly VanDyke, Parking Enforcement -- Update on outreach to people living in vehicles and the Seattle Navigation Team
o Doyle McCarthy – Ballard Neighborcare -- Update on current health issues and concerns in the homeless community
o PANEL PRESENTATIONS: On Demand Treatment for substance abuse, current and future
o Clinic Staff from Ballard Neighborcare
Current treatment options at the clinic for substance use disorder with follow-up care
o David Newman, Substance Use Disorder Services, Community Psychiatric Clinic
-- Substance use disorder treatment options available in Ballard and the University District
o Brad Feingood, Asst Division Director, KC Behavioral Health and Recovery Division
Current availability of treatment on demand in King County and future plans for expansion
o Q&A: A time for meeting attendees to ask questions of our presenters
Next meeting: September 27, 2018, same place, same time
MEETING: 28 June, 2018, 10:30am - 12:00 Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
o UPDATES from the Ballard community:
o PANEL PRESENTATIONS: What's going on in Seattle?
Matthew Lange, Transit Riders Union/Housing for All:
Update on sweeps of encampments/What happened with the EHT?
LEAD expansion to the North End
Jean Darsie, Scofflaw Mitigation Team:
What the City needs to do for vehicle residents
Sally Kinney, Housing for All
Issues expected for the Fall City budget session
o Q&A: A time for meeting attendees to ask questions of our presenters
Next meeting: August 23, 2018, same place, same time
MEETING: 26 April, 2018, 10:30am - 12:00 Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
Ballard Neighborcare update on health issues of clients: Doyle McCarthy
Report from the Ballard Street: Jenn Adams, The Bridge, Paige Killinger, REACH
Report from Ballard Swedish Emergency Dept: Calamity Farris, Social Worker
o PANEL PRESENTATIONS: Health issues and the OPIOID epidemic
Susan Kingston, Center for Opioid Safety Education, University of Washington:
Implementation of programs to address opioid overdose and new treatment models
James Walsh, MD, Swedish Medical Center and Fern Feldman, Nurse Practitioner
Dr. Walsh and Fern Feldman will speak about the Low-barrier buprenorphine program at the needle exchange site in the University District
Note: Buprenorphine is a medication used by physicians to treat opioid addiction.
o Q&A: A time for meeting attendees to ask questions of our presenters
Next meeting: May 24, 2018, same place, same time.
MEETING: 22 February 2018, 10:30am - 12:00 Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
Shawn Fettig on Implementation of the Surveillance Ordinance, and Bootview
Shawn Fettig, Senior Management Systems Analyst with the Seattle Police Department/Legal Unit will talk about the Surveillance Impact Reports to the City Council and feedback from the community. One of the technologies being reported on is the Automated License Plate Recognition System (ALRS) and ‘Bootview’ used to identify vehicles in scofflaw status.
Alexandra McGehee, Seattle Police Department, Finance, Policy and Planning on the new Body-worn Camera Program
A study commissioned by the federal monitor overseeing the City’s compliance with the federally mandated Consent Decree found that 92% of Seattleites want to see body cameras on officers.
CPT Officer Mike Cruzan and Lt. Clenna from the Traffic Division on Seattle Parking Enforcement
Officers Cruzan and Clenna will be on hand to answer questions about Parking Enforcement.
Next meeting: March 22, 2018
MEETING: 25 January 2018, 10:30am - 12:00 Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
HSD Encampment Placement Coordination, City of Seattle
A City official will give an update on the Nickelsville Ballard move, preparation of Crown Hill site, and the termination of the Road to Housing Program, including any provision for current clients and current outreach capabilities for vehicle residents.
Neighborcare: Health issues prevalent in the Ballard homeless community
A representative from Neighborcare will talk about health issues. Neighborcatre is the largest provider of primary medical, dental and behavioral health care services in the Seattle area focusing on low-income and uninsured families and individuals, seniors on fixed incomes, immigrants, and the homeless.
o AROUND-THE-CIRCLE: What are you concerned about in Ballard?
All are welcome!
The BCTHH Planning Team
Next meeting: February 22, 2018
MEETING: November and December meetings CANCELLED due to the holidays
MEETING: October 26, 10:30 - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
o Introduction and Announcements
Presenter: Nick Licata, Becoming a Citizen Activist
Nick Licata first became a Seattle City Councilmember in 1998 after an election in where he was opposed by the majority of the sitting Council, the Mayor, and both daily newspapers, and was significantly outspent by his opponent. He won, and served six terms, retiring in 2015. Nick was a steady, effective supporter of programs and funding for poor and homeless people in Seattle. Besides his work as a Councilmember, he was an important supporter of the arts in Seattle.
In 2016, his book, Becoming a Citizen Activist: Stories, Strategies, and Advice for Changing our World, was published by local publisher Sasquatch Books. In a subsequent interview, Nick said, “You rarely win struggles in a democracy by only depending on a small cohort of uncompromising followers. I’ve seen how major significant changes were accomplished in our state through building alliances with those who were straddling on issues or open to participating in a dialogue.” In addition to talking about how we all can become “citizen activists”, Nick will discuss his years of experience on Council of helping to craft City budgets – we’re now in the budget season of the year – and his thoughts on how the proposed City budget aligns with Seattle’s needs as expressed by advocacy organizations, individual advocates, and those who are homeless. Q&A will follow.
Next meeting: November 30, 2017, CANCELLED
NOTE: this is one week later than usual in order to avoid conflicting with the Thanksgiving holiday
All are welcome!
The BCTHH Planning Team
MEETING: September 28, 10:30 - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
o Introduction and Announcements
Presenter: Olivia Smith, North Seattle Campaign Organizer
o Vote on BCTHH joining the Coalition
o Managed Encampment Updates:
o Ballard Nickelsville – Lisa Gustaveson, City of Seattle
o Tent City 5 Interbay
o Frequently-Asked Questions on proposal to aid people living in vehicles
o 8 Recommendations from the Heroin & Prescription Opiate Addiction Task Force
Next meeting: October 26, 2017, same place, same time
All are welcome!
The BCTHH Planning Team
NEXT MEETING: July 27, 10:30 - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
AGENDA: The slide show will start promptly at 10:40 after introductions.
-- A slide presentation and talk by Sinan Demirel on the history of homelessness in Seattle. Sinan brings to life what has come before around this issue. Did you know that Seattle was home to one of the first "Hoovervilles"? Homelessness goes back a long way in the history of our city and is nothing new to us.
-- Discussion and vote on a letter of support for bringing LEAD to the north end of Seattle including Ballard. The last two meetings of BCTHH have focused on this issue and those who attended have gotten much better informed about LEAD (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion) and how it can benefit our community both homeless and housed.
All are welcome!
The BCTHH Planning Team
MEETING: June 22, 10:30 - 12:00Noon
This month at our meeting we will continue our discussion about the LEAD Program (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion). We will have with us one of the founders of LEAD, Lisa Daugaard, and Patricia Sully. Both Lisa and Patricia are staff attorneys with the Public Defender Association, and Patricia is point person on the CHELs program. Both served on the KC Heroin Task Force.
LEAD is a harm-reduction innovative program that was developed with the community to address low-level drug and prostitution crimes in the Belltown neighborhood in Seattle, and has now expanded to all of downtown and Capitol Hill, the International District, and parts of the Central District. LEAD diverts low-level drug and prostitution offenders into community-based treatment and support services -- including housing, health care, job training, mental health treatment, and support -- instead of processing them through traditional criminal justice system avenues.
We will focus our attention by the end of the meeting on what we as a group can do to promote LEAD coming to our Ballard community.
There will be ample time for Q&A and discussion after the presentation to talk about how LEAD could benefit our Ballard community.
May 25, 10:30 - 12:00Noon
This month we'll be hosting a conversation about the LEAD Program (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion) with LEAD Case Manager, Devin M. Majkut, MSW, LICSWA, CDPT
Devin Majkut is a Social Worker and Chemical Dependency Professional at the LEAD (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion) Program in Downtown Seattle, a program operating within the REACH Program of Evergreen Treatment Services. Devin has a passion for social change and criminal justice reform; and believes in partnering with homeless and drug user communities to advocate for more inclusive and effective programs.
LEAD is a harm reduction, innovative program that was developed with the community to address low-level drug and prostitution crimes in the Belltown neighborhood in Seattle, and has now expanded to all of downtown and Capitol Hill, The international district, and parts of the Central Distruct. LEAD diverts low-level drug and prostitution “offenders” into community-based treatment and support services – including housing, healthcare, job training, treatment and mental health support -- instead of processing them through traditional criminal justice system avenues.
There will be ample time for Q&A and discussion after the presentation to talk about how LEAD could benefit our Ballard community.
All are welcome!
The BCTHH Planning Team
NEXT MEETING: April 27, 10:30 - 12:00Noon Note we are back to our usual start time in April
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
AGENDA: Rex Hohlbein presents the BLOCK project
All are invited!
March 23, 10:00 - 12:00Noon Note the earlier start time for this meeting only due to George Scarola's limited availability
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
George Scarola, Seattle Director of Homelessness start promptly at 10:00am
The state of Seattle’s efforts to mitigate homelessness: the
Navigation Center, managed encampments, clearing of small
encampments and the new City protocol, and the Mayor’s
proposed August vote for more homeless services
JJ Wampach, MPH, Director, Neighborcare/Ballard Medical Clinic:
Availability of treatment for those who are drug-addicted
Locks encampment and recent homeless deaths
Ballard’s managed encampment
Volunteer opportunities
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, December 1, 10:30AM - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
MEETING AGENDA - Sharon Lee will be our featured speaker. Her topic will be "How the Mayor's 'Pathways Home' plan will affect housing providers in 2018"
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, October 27, 10:30AM - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
How Will Coordinated Entry for All Serve the North End of Seattle?
Judy Poston, Solid Ground
How Does REACH Assist with Assessments for Coordinated Entry?
Mary Guiberson, Evergreen Treatment Services
Campaign for a Low-Income Transit Fare
Katie Wilson, Transit Riders Union
In addition to our speakers who are listed above, Jessica Chandler, Seattle University research assistant, will briefly discuss the community surveys they’re working on about police service and community concerns. Survey forms will be available to those who wish to participate in the survey.
There will be time for questions following the presentations.
NOTE: September meeting was cancelled due to a schedule conflict with Seattle City Council hearing on proposed encampments ordinance.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, October 27, 10:30AM - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
NOTE: July meeting is cancelled due to proximity to
CM O'Brien's community forum on July 27
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, December 1, 10:30AM - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
NOTE: July meeting is cancelled due to proximity to
CM O'Brien's community forum on July 27
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, August 25, 10:30AM - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, June 23, 10:30AM - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
Current situation of “sweeps” and vehicle resident difficulties:
Ann LoGerfo, staff attorney, Columbia Legal Services
Jesse Perrin, Legislative Assistant to Mike O’Brien, City Council 15 min.
Tiny House Update:
Monica Joe, Low Income Housing Institute
MEETING AGENDA for Thursday, May 26, 10:30AM - 12:00Noon
Hilary Carr, Program Manager, Road to Housing,
Compass Housing Alliance
Road to Housing Services and Data
Sola Plumacher, Division Director, Community Support and
Assistance, Seattle Human Services Department
Future Plans for Safe Lots and Safe Zones
Noah Fay, Housing Manager, Downtown Emergency
Service Center
Housing First: 1811 Eastlake
Q & A
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, April 28, 10:30AM - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
MEETING TOPIC: Harm Reduction
Patricia Sully, Attorney, VOCAL/Public Defender Association
Safe Consumption Sites
Dr. Caleb Banta-Green, School of Public Health, University of Washington
Addiction Research
Colleen Bowls, Clinic Manager, Ballard & 45th St. Clinics
Addiction Treatment at Neighborcare
Dr. James Walsh, Medical Director,
Addiction Recovery Service, Swedish Medical Center
Q & A
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, March 24, 10:30AM - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
-- What is an MDOT*? How does it work?
-- Panel and community discussion: Who deserves to live? Why do we care?
Panelists: Pastor Britt Olson, Sally Kinney, Rex Hohlbein, Jennifer Adams
* MDOT = Multi-Disciplinary Outreach Team
-- Next Meeting 4/28/2016
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, February 25, 10:30AM - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
Presenters and Discussion: TBD
Meeting attendees will be free to ask questions after the presentations.
-- Next Meeting 3/24/2016
MEETING: Thursday, January 28, 10:30AM - 12:00Noon
Presenters and Discussion:
- Katy Miller, Regional Coordinator of US Interagency Council on Homelessness, based in Seattle and providing a bridge between the Council and the community
- Jenn Adams, Ballard community advocate and Women’s Empowerment Group organizer with WHEEL
- Jodi Singleton, organizer of Stone Soup Group which provides Sunday evening meals under the Ballard Bridge
MEETING: Thursday, December 3, 10:30AM - 12:00Noon
LOCATION: Nyer Urness House, 1753 NW 56th St., (East Meeting Room)
-- Program - Panel discussion on Homelessness State of Emergency
(what this means for Ballard)
AGENDA: 10/22/2015
-- Program - Canon Britt Olson, St Luke's Episcopal Church, Ballard
-- Next Meeting 12/3/2015 <<< NOTE: no meeting Thanksgiving week
AGENDA: 9/24/2015
-- Introductions
-- Announcements
-- Program - John Fox, Seattle Displacement Coalition
-- Next Meeting 10/22/2015
AGENDA: 8/27/2015
"Washington's War on the Visibly Poor: A Survey of Criminalizing Ordinances and Their Enforcement" - Seattle University School of Law
PowerPoint slides
Managed tent encampments
Sharon Lee, Director Low Income Housing Institute
Nickelsville representatives
Jody Grage, Sustainable Ballard "Knitters for the Homeless"
AGENDA: 6/25/2015
AGENDA: 4/23/2015
-- Introductions
-- Announcements
-- REAL world examples ("Dear Landlord")
-- Status of SDOT moratorium
-- Next Meeting
**** Note: After clicking on the above links, select the "Download" tab to view the document.
Minutes from March 26th meeting: (link)
AGENDA: 3/26/2015
- Community Housing Caucus Report – Mercedes Elizalde, Low Income Housing Institute
- Funds allocated for homeless services in Seattle 2015-16 budget – Josh Fogt for CM O’Brien
- Seattle’s Encampment Ordinance and its implications – Karen Studders
- Issues for discussion at future meetings
- Announcements
Questions? Contact:
This forum is an open discussion place for any person concerned with homelessness and hunger in Ballard. All persons are welcome to the table and will be seated alongside other members and encouraged to participate in the conversation. The meeting adheres to a preset agenda and is led by an agreed upon Coordinator who manages the discussion according to the timetable. Members of the taskforce reserve the right to change this format upon majority vote as necessary.
Mission of the Taskforce: The Ballard Community Taskforce on Homelessness and Hunger (BCTHH) works to end homelessness and hunger in the Ballard community by providing a forum for service providers, community advocates and governmental agencies to share information, capitalize on their collective resources and coordinate efforts. We will work as advocates of change and partners of compassion toward a just and supportive community.
- Encourage local residents and community organizations to work with community members who face homeless and/or hunger.
- Support and partner with non-profit, religious, government, for-profit and community groups who provide programs and resources for vulnerable residents in our community.
- Mobilize resources within and outside Ballard to provide adequate food, shelter and supportive services for all residents of Ballard.
- Provide a venue for honest, open discussion of the challenges faced by homeless residents and the groups that serve them, including ways to meet those challenges successfully.
- Link individuals with unique challenges with organizations that provide relevant specialized services.
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